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"It's funny because most of the members think I live in Vancouver, but I don't. I live on the east coast in the US, but I don't feel like there is a disconnect in this Network because I have met women from different parts of the world that have helped inspire me personally and professionally. Maria Keeps us in the loop and motivates us even when we feel like giving up. I haven't found another network that does this. I don't feel like another statistic. I'm apart of something bigger and better."
SaCola Lehr
LWL Member, North Carolina
"Ladies! lf you want true female empowerment, I encourage you to join LWL! Maria Kritikos is the real deal having worked with her in a mastermind group as well as a one on one mini mastermind phone call which helped me get over a business block I had been stuck on!"
Jessica Smith
LWL Member, Photographer

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